Man helping a student by pointing at map

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Crowd of students at an event

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Aerial photograph of Glasney Student Village

Campus Maps

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Lisa and Vanessa standing in front of the campus gardens

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Red GR Post Box partially covered by a hanging hedge

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Top down view of a cup of coffee with a flower milk pattern

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Latest News

  • AMATA Photovoltaic Extension Set to Save 20 Tonnes of Carbon Annually

    AMATA Photovoltaic Extension Set to Save 20 Tonnes of Carbon Annually

    A Photovoltaic (PV) extension on the AMATA roof at Penryn campus, which is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 20.3 tonnes per year, was successfully installed last month (July 2024). It is now fully operational and connected to the high-tech campus PV system. The new PV panels are estimated to contribute over £30,000 of financial…

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  • Penryn Campus Celebrates Green Flag Award for Seventh Consecutive Year

    Penryn Campus Celebrates Green Flag Award for Seventh Consecutive Year

    Falmouth Exeter Plus are pleased to announce that Penryn campus has been honoured with the coveted Green Flag Award for the seventh year in a row. “I was thrilled to hear that we have once again received the prestigious Green Flag Award, marking our seventh consecutive year of recognition. This accomplishment highlights the exceptional dedication…

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  • Wildflower Planting Project at Penryn Campus 2024

    Wildflower Planting Project at Penryn Campus 2024

    At the start of the year (January 2024), the FX Plus Grounds and Gardens team set themselves the target of planting 1,200 wildflowers over the course of the year. “It was bit of an arbitrary number that meant beating how many we got into the ground the year before,” explains Alasdair Garnett, Gardener at FX…

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  • Sustainability Café Menu Refresh

    Sustainability Café Menu Refresh

    Introducing our latest offering: the refreshed menu at the Sustainability Café! The Food and Drink team are excited about their new array of plant-based delights, featuring low-cost options and exciting vegan additions. Proudly certified by the Vegetarian Society, the Sustainability Café is exclusively vegan and vegetarian. Our catering team has crafted this menu to cater…

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