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New Photovoltaic System Set to Save 149 Tonnes of Carbon

October 19, 2023

Our new Photovoltaic (PV) system is now fully connected and operational on Penryn Campus. The latest addition of PV panels which completes the system has successfully been installed on the Daphne Du Maurier building (October 2023). These panels are in addition to the PV panels which were installed on the roof of Peter Lanyon and the Sports Centre in July 2023.

In total, we have fitted more than 1700 new panels to the roofs of Daphne Du Maurier, Peter Lanyon and the Sports Centre. These will add to existing panels already installed on campus and save energy and money for future investments and improvements. The new PV system has a total capacity of 775 kW with an estimated 700,000 kWh per year generated.

PV panels, also known as solar electricity panels, capture the sun’s energy and convert it into renewable electricity that we can use across Penryn Campus. Our high-tech PV system, which spans across three buildings, will reduce carbon emissions by 149 tonnes each year. An estimated £125,934 annual cost saving is also predicted. Calculations are based on 18p/kWh but savings are likely to be much greater than this whilst the current unit rate continues to rise to around 30p/kWh or more.

So far (July 2023), we have recorded a 55% reduction in our energy emissions (electricity & gas) against our 2005/2006 baseline on Penryn Campus (based on per meter squared). The main projects contributing towards this success include the installation of the PV panels, as well as other sustainable modifications such as LED and electrical upgrades, analytics, and sub-metering upgrades.

These modifications and savings are a testament to the collaborative and ongoing efforts of both the Estates and Sustainability Teams, who continue to find ways to introduce green initiatives, improve efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint.

About FX Plus

Falmouth Exeter Plus (FX Plus) delivers shared services for Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall to ensure a top quality experience for students, staff and all users of Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

Our vision is to provide ‘Exceptional environments that enable talented and creative minds to thrive’.