Entrance to chaplaincy at Penryn campus with bench and plants outside

Multifaith Chaplaincy

If you have a faith, our team can support you to practice your religion or spirituality on and off campus. We also provide pastoral care for everyone (whether or not you have a faith)  and we manage spaces on our campuses for you to enjoy. 

Our Chaplaincy Team

Our chaplains are mostly of volunteers from local faith communities. They are very friendly and approachable and really care about what matters most to you. We will also do our best to connect you with someone of a specific faith community within the local area if you require. 

Multifaith Chaplaincy

Rev’d Ben Hudd

Having served in the British military, I was faced with the question of whether there was hope for humanity, a question that led me to encounter God’s love. Having established a social enterprise in Bangladesh as part of an anti-child trafficking initiative, in 2009 I answered God’s call to ordained church ministry. This call that has taken me to Sheffield, Armenia, South Sudan, the refugee camps of northern Uganda…and now Cornwall! I serve as a priest in the Church of England, leading Fairwinds Community Hub in Falmouth, a place whose wholly inclusive vision is centred within the margins of church and society and the Christian call to social and racial justice. I am married to Nicole and we have four young daughters.

Jan Webb

I am a vegan who loves baking and I enjoy being part of Red River Singers. I love walking, gardening, reading, labyrinths and laughing. I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Pete King

I retired to Cornwall 5 years ago having taught History and Criminology for 30 years in various universities. My golden retriever dog Bailey comes into the chaplaincy with me on a Friday and he loves spending time with students. I go to Harbour church and I am also involved in a non-denominational discussion/prayer group in Mawnan Smith. My wife and I have to a contemplative garden in land behind our house on the Helford Estuary.

Pete Amoss

I am a Father to 4 and a Grandfather to 7 and they are in 4 Countries on 3 Continents! I have lived in London, Essex, Hertfordshire, Wales … and Paraguay! I’ve worked in construction, the health sector and as a Prison Chaplain. I have found myself enjoying being both a pastoral ‘people’ person and a creative practical ‘hands-on’ person. My wife and I moved to Cornwall to help with the setting up of Falmouth Vineyard church.

John Webb

I have always been an outdoors person, keen on growing plants, and that’s what got me involved with the lovely Belmont Garden space on the Falmouth Campus. I also built and maintain the labyrinth on the Penryn Campus. As well as being part of various community gardens, I like walking and kayaking.

Gemma Tracey

Hello, I’m Gemma, the Interim Coordinating Chaplain and it is my job to manage our lovely chaplaincy team. I moved to Cornwall in 2021 to join the Multifaith Chaplaincy, initially working as the Operations Assistant. I have really enjoyed becoming part of this team, and of our university community. I have also loved building new connections in Cornwall and enjoying the wildness and beauty of this special place. I previously worked in the equality, diversity and inclusion field and care deeply about enabling everyone to thrive and belong.

Something isn’t working for me!

In the Chaplaincy, we know that at times processes or systems don’t work for all of us. If this is the case for you, please complete our ‘Something Isn’t Working Form‘ to let us know. We will do our best to rectify the issue, but if we can’t we will give you feedback as to why we can’t change things. You should hear from the respective team(s) within 2 working days.