Emergency Exit Sign

Emergency Evacuation Arrangements

Your University has a legal duty to ensure that everyone can safely evacuate University buildings in the event of a fire. This duty is fulfilled by having an up-to-date and regularly reviewed fire risk assessment, evacuation plan, designated and signed fire escape routes and places of safety when the fire alarm sounds for each building on our campuses.

If you have an impairment or disability, your University must also provide additional support to ensure you can safely evacuate all buildings. This is provided through our emergency refuge points. These spaces are present in each building and act as a safe space, in the event of an emergency evacuation, where you can wait for additional assistance in evacuating. The refuge points are checked by our fire wardens and dedicated response teams when a fire alarm has been activated. If a refuge alarm has been activated, they will provide assistance as quickly as possible.


You can also notify fire wardens and response teams through our campus safety app – SafeZone. The app is available to all of our campus users and will enable you to easily contact our Safety and Support team. If you require additional support around campus, we strongly recommend that you download the app. The app will also provide you with an additional tool to identify your location to the responding fire marshall teams to ensure you have a quick response. You can find our more information on our SafeZone page.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP)

A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan, or ‘PEEP’, is a bespoke plan for an individual who has identified that they have difficulty in safely evacuating a building. It is a simple document which clearly identifies the control measures and assistance required to aid their safe evacuation of a building.

If you have a condition that prevents you from responding to a fire alarm activation, and you cannot make it to a refuge, you may require a further assessment from our Accessibility Team and Fire Safety Advisor. Following this assessment, a full Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan will be completed and shared with all relevant persons.

Living on Campus

If you are a resident at the Penryn Campus, you will have a PEEP created and managed by the Halls team. This will have allowed them to allocated you to the correct room and provided you with any additional equipment you may required (for example, a vibrating pillow pad).

Academic Spaces

Due to the varied nature of our academic buildings, we have dedicated accessibility teaching spaces. These spaces ensures you are aware of any emergency and ensures your safe evacuation.

You can contact our Accessibility Team for further support about personal emergency evacuation plans, support with an impairment or disability, or any other accessibility query.

Accessibility Team

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you I know where the emergency exits/refuge points are in a building?

We strongly encourage you to make yourselves aware of the buildings that you use on a regular basis, to ensure you know where your direct access routes to outside are and where you need to use a lift to access an area where the designated refuge points are.

Where you are unable to evacuate the building head to the nearest refuge point, these are predominately in the staircases.

Can I use a lift in the event of a fire alarm?

No – you cannot use a lift if a fire alarm has been activated. Where possible, you must take a route that takes you directly outside. If you are unable to evacuate a building you must head to the nearest refuge point for further assistance.

How do I request help from a refuge point?

When you arrive at the refuge point you are in a place of safety. If you are unable to proceed any further without assistance, wait there and summon for help by using one of the following methods:

  • Push the button on the Emergency Voice Communication system
  • Call the Safety and Support Team on 01326 254444
  • Using the SafeZone app, request assistance from our response team

How can I locate where I am from a refuge point?

Each refuge point has a sign containing the building name, which refuge point you are at, the staircase and which floor you are on.

In an emergency situation, you can pass this information on to the response team so they can easily locate where you are. A member of the safety and support team, a fire warden or another member of staff will response your call for assistance and will be with you as quickly as possible.