If you are a current student:
An interim transcript showing your modules and approved marks can be obtained via iExeter (Student Record, Results tab) or by contacting the Info Point in person, phone or logging an enquiry via info.penryn@exeter.ac.uk. There is no charge for an interim transcript.
If you need a list of marks for specific assessments, you will need to contact your college.
If you have completed your studies with Exeter:
Once your degree has been conferred you will be provided with a copy either at your Graduation Ceremony or posted to your home address.
If you need additional copies of your final transcript they can be ordered via the online store.
For more information please click on ‘log enquiry’ or log an enquiry online with SID Online (Streatham) (via the SID tile on iExeter or email sid@exeter.ac.uk).
If you are a current student and need to confirm your modules to another institution between completion and graduation, you can print off an interim transcript through the MyFalmouth portal:
Click on the Latest Outcome tile, then Full Assessment marks and Download a copy of your results.
For more information, visit: https://falmouth.myday.cloud/pages/my-learning/assessment/documentation.