Frequently Asked Questions

What do the Multifaith Chaplaincy team do?

Becky Nesbitt is the Coordinating Chaplain and together with a team of volunteer chaplains, the chaplaincy is available for the pastoral and spiritual needs of students and staff, at both Falmouth and Penryn campuses.

The Multifaith Chaplaincy is a partnership between Falmouth University and the University of Exeter in Cornwall, and is provided through Falmouth Exeter Plus.

Your Multifaith Chaplaincy is open to people of all faiths and none, Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm.

Visit us for peace, quiet, reflection, prayer or meditation; or come and talk with someone who will listen.
On the Penryn Campus, the Multifaith Chaplaincy is located at Cottage 8, Tremough Barton Cottages (down the lane past the Sports Centre).

At Falmouth Campus, the Multifaith Chaplaincy is located in The Hub area.

For further information you can send an email to