What are accessible routes?
We are curating a list of optimal routes for accessing specific areas of Penryn and Falmouth campus. This will allow you to make informed decisions about travelling between to areas on campus, taking into account any specific needs or requirements you may have.
How do accessible routes work?
There are two ways to view accessible routes. Firstly, using this page, you can select your starting point and view the list of ending points based off of that selection. The second way to view this information is visually on our campus maps; by selecting the ‘accessible’ layer, you will be able to see each A-B route drawn on the map.
The routes themselves will provide step-by-step guidance, informing you of any considerations that may need to be made and advising on alternative measures to get to your destination.
When will more routes be added?
We will be adding more routes throughout the academic year for both campuses. We are working through a prioritised list of routes and will be periodically updating our database.
You can request more guidance and information about a specific campus route by emailing our accessibility team at accessibility@fxplus.ac.uk