Frequently Asked Questions

How do I interrupt or withdraw from my course?

During your time at Exeter, your circumstances or interests might change. Before making a decision, you should consult with your personal tutor.  To either interrupt or withdraw from your studies, please review the information on the university web pages at:

The Students’ Union Advice Service delivers free, confidential, impartial advice on a wide range of issues. If you would like to book an appointment with one of the Advisers, visit:

If you wish to withdraw or intermit from your studies, you should discuss the matter with your course team in the first instance to consider whether this is the right decision for you. It is also recommended that you contact the Finance team at Falmouth, as there could be financial implications if you intermit or withdraw. Please also refer to the useful guidance on the Falmouth App, this includes information about how to apply for an intermittence or withdrawal.

If you decide to withdraw you will need to return your student ID card.

The Student Records team will send acknowledgement of your withdrawal/intermittence once we have received approval from your course team.

The Students’ Union Advice Service delivers free, confidential, impartial advice on a wide range of issues. If you would like to book an appointment with one of the Advisers, visit: