Man helping a student by pointing at map

The Compass

The Compass is a student information service that offers help and advice on any aspect of university life whether you have a quick query or require specialist support.

Our friendly and well-trained staff will be on-hand to respond quickly and professionally to all your student needs and queries and provide access and referral to a range of services including:

Student and Library Services

  • Accessibility and disability
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Study skills
  • Languages and International support
  • Library general enquiries
  • Study space enquiries
  • Faith and spiritual support

Other university services

  • Campus signposting, information, and facilities
  • Accommodation
  • Money and funding
  • Student card collection
  • Letters and transcripts
  • Covid Information
  • Travel and transport
  • and everything else!

How to contact us

Student Helpdesk

In Person

For any in person enquiries, you can visit one of our helpdesks from Monday to Friday:

  • The Compass at Penryn – within The Library in The Exchange building
  • The Compass at Falmouth – within The Library at Falmouth Campus

For our current opening times, please visit:

Online Support

You can also view our FAQs or use our webchat service by visiting: or use our online form to log an enquiry:

You can also view your previous and existing enquiries with our teams by logging in to Compass Online.

Something isn’t working for me!

In the Compass and Library, we know that at times processes or systems don’t work for all of us. If this is the case for you, please complete our ‘Something Isn’t Working Form‘ to let us know. We will do our best to rectify the issue, but if we can’t we will give you feedback as to why we can’t change things. You should hear from the respective team(s) within 2 working days.