A granite rock that reads "School of Mines" and has a doorway in the background with students walking inside the building.

~2 minute read.

Construction Commenced at Camborne School of Mines for Two New Projects

January 10, 2025

Construction work has commenced at Camborne School of Mines (CSM), on two projects, part-funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund*. 

TheCritical Minerals Equipment Hubwill provide a new and nationally unique facility for the Geo-Resources sector, providing state-of-the-art and green mineral processing and analytical equipment and expertise, which will be accessible to the region’s business, research and development sectors. 

The pioneering Geotracer Facility, part of the Entrepreneurial Futures project, will also be established to trace river and marine pollution, land contamination, and groundwater sources using a new multi-collector facility and clean laboratory. This facility will open up entirely new areas of development and innovation for the region. 

The CSM Museum entrance will remain open, although access to affected lab spaces and other areas will be restricted while refurbishment work takes place.  

As you may have noticed, the building compound has now been installed near to the Deep Digital Cornwall entrance in car park E on the site of the old disabled parking bays. This will be in place for a period of three months until the project’s expected completion date, on 4 April 2025. Please use the diversion signs.  

Thank you for your patience while this work takes place to enhance the CSM research space. Any queries regarding the works should be directed to the Estates Helpdesk on 01326 255686 or EstatesHelpdesk@fxplus.ac.uk . 

* Cornwall Council has been chosen by the government as a lead Authority for the fund and is responsible for monitoring the progress of projects funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. 

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