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AMATA Photovoltaic Extension Set to Save 20 Tonnes of Carbon Annually
August 28, 2024
A Photovoltaic (PV) extension on the AMATA roof at Penryn campus, which is expected to reduce carbon emissions by 20.3 tonnes per year, was successfully installed last month (July 2024). It is now fully operational and connected to the high-tech campus PV system. The new PV panels are estimated to contribute over £30,000 of financial savings each year.
This installation adds to the total PV output capacity by approximately 13%, bringing us to almost 1,000 kWp across Penryn campus. This latest addition of PV panels, along with those previously installed on the Daphne Du Maurier building (October 2023) and the roofs of Peter Lanyon and the Sports Centre (July 2023), forms a key part of our carbon reduction programme.
Fergus Chan, Carbon and Energy Manager at FX Plus, said: “we are really pleased to have completed this project, which forms part of our carbon reduction programme to reduce Penryn campus’ demand on energy drawn from the grid by increasing our own ability to generate renewable energy here on campus.”
The PV system at Penryn campus, now spanning across four buildings, will reduce carbon emissions by an estimated 169 tonnes each year. In addition to reducing the universities joint impact on the environment; the financial savings are great, too. In total, the investment is predicted to generate a £145,000 annual cost saving. These calculations are based on 18p/kWh but savings could be greater than this whilst the current unit rate continues to rise.
To date (August 2024), we have recorded a 60% reduction in our relative energy emissions (electricity & gas) against our 2005/2006 baseline on Penryn Campus (based on per meter squared). The campus PV system is one of the main projects contributing towards this success, as well as other sustainably driven modifications such as LED and electrical upgrades, analytics, and sub-metering upgrades.
Together, the Universities and FX Plus Estates and Sustainability teams, are tirelessly looking into new technology and finding new ways to introduce green energy initiatives, improve energy efficiency and reduce our campuses reliance on fossil fuels. For more information about this, contact sustainability@fxplus.ac.uk.