Student in class with hand raised

Parents & Caregivers

We have curated a number of frequently asked questions for parents and caregivers of young people attending either Falmouth University or University of Exeter. If you are unable to find an answer to your question, please contact the Compass helpdesk via email (

Question Audience Category Tags
Accessibility and Disability Support Tags:
Accessibility and Disability Support Tags: ,
Accessibility and Disability Support Tags: ,
Accessibility and Disability Support Tags: ,
Accessibility and Disability Support Tags: , , ,
General Information Tags: , ,
General Information Tags: , , ,
Faith and Spiritual Support Tags: , , ,
Health and Wellbeing Tags: , ,
Travel and Transport Tags: ,
Course Administration Tags:
Health and Wellbeing Tags: , ,
Health and Wellbeing Tags: , ,
Health and Wellbeing Tags: , ,
Health and Wellbeing Tags: ,
Health and Wellbeing Tags: , ,
Accommodation Tags: , ,
Accommodation Tags: ,
Accommodation Tags:
Accommodation Tags: ,
Accommodation Tags:
Course Administration Tags:
Course Administration Tags: ,
Course Administration Tags: , ,
Course Administration Tags: ,
Learning Skills and Study Hub Tags:
Course Administration Tags: ,
Course Administration Tags: ,
Funding, Fees and Financial Support Tags: , , ,
Accessibility and Disability Support Tags: ,

Concerned about a student attending Falmouth University or University of Exeter in Cornwall?

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