Frequently Asked Questions

How long can I borrow items for?

You can borrow most physical items from the two campus libraries – this includes print books, DVDs, CDs, maps and other items – but there are some Reference only items.  When you find an item on Library Search, you’ll see whether an item is Loanable or Reference, and also whether it is currently Available or On Loan to someone else.

All items are issued for 7 days and automatically renew every week for up to one year.

If another individual requests the item you have, it will not renew, and you will be asked to return it within the next 7 days.

Items that have been borrowed for over a year will not renew, and the library asks you return the items via the self issue kiosks, and borrow them again if still required.

If you are unable to do so in person, please email to see how we can help

Further information on Library services can be found on the Library website